Download the unarchiver windows
Download the unarchiver windows

download the unarchiver windows

As a result, some files you find online or get as email attachments could be compressed into a RAR file.

download the unarchiver windows

RAR files are useful if you want to reduce the size of a bunch of files before sending them.

download the unarchiver windows

Think of it as a ZIP file but with higher levels of compression. A typical RAR file consists of one or several compressed files bundled together. Just like the ZIP file, which is actually an archive file type, RAR file works similar but offers a bit more features. If you’ve downloaded an attachment or received a link to download documents in a RAR file, here’s how you can open it on your Mac. While there are several apps on the App Store for the job, we’ve picked the one that’s simple and easy to use for opening RAR files on your Mac.

Download the unarchiver windows